Intelligence in Education


We help your institution strive for excellence and add value through the use of educational technology

complete projects

Our services

From the conception and elaboration of the business plan to the projects implementation, EduLogica is prepared to meet all the needs that your institution requires to achieve its educational and business objectives.

Business Consultancy

Studies and analyzes of technical-economic and market feasibility, to guide its institution to adopt the most appropriate strategy.

Learning Management Systems

Dimensioning, implementation, configuration and customization of online learning platforms. We also offer hosting.

Preparation of Courses and Materials

Assistance, preparation and adaptation of courses for online teaching or telepresence. Making digital learning objects and interactive educational materials.


Training and qualification of development teams of distance courses of their institution, as well as teachers, tutors, and technical support staff.



Tools and methodologies related to educational technology can be used for many business models and pedagogical purposes, such as those listed below.



Distance learning brings several benefits to educational institutions, educators and students, making learning more flexible and supporting active pedagogical methodologies.

some data

An expanding market

Distance Education throughout the world and especially in Brazil has presented an impressive growth and the tendency is that all types of education will have, even in a variety of ways, educational technology incorporated into the pedagogical project, in order to achieve this market and enhance student engagement.

college education market by 2023
0 %
Courses in one year
+ 0 %
E-learning market by 2025
US$ 0 B

Get to know some of our clients


EduLogica has a wide and varied portfolio of clients served, performing projects for universities, health education institutions, professional associations, education franchise networks, corporate training, educators training, government projects, among others.


Our team

Alexandre Sabbatini

Founder, Project Director

Electrical Engineer (Unicamp), specialized in Project Management (USP), with strong background in educational technologies, telecommunications, computer networks, software development and artificial intelligence. Specialist in Moodle and digital video.

He has a passion for knowledge, education, technology and innovative projects.


Renato Sabbatini, PHD

Founder, Chief-Consultant

Neuroscientist, professor at Unicamp and USP. A pioneer in health informatics and the development and use of digital technologies in education since 1979, especially in distance medical education, he has worked with various universities and colleges and helped implement large-scale projects.

His passion is to use advanced knowledge to transform the future of education through technology.

It all starts here

Get in touch

To know more we can make a conversation or a virtual or face-to-face presentation.



"Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of a great teacher can be transformational."
George Couros
Author of "The Innovator's Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity"